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Ska 15th February 2009 07:00 AM

Ska's 8 vandalized
I woke up this morning and went out side for some fresh air only to discover that some gutless low life has keyed the 8 and my Galaxy both on the boot lids as he/she went by. I can't describe how I feel right now all I want to do is find the low life whose obviously got no balls & knock him sensless & trust me I WILL find out who it was as this guy seems to be only targeting me.
The cars in my front garden/drive have been targeted and no other on my road. Both of the car are incapacitated & on axle stands; 8 has no wheels and the galaxy in a state of repair (siezed alternator).
A few months back my nieghbour told me some tall blond hair **** had bent the aerial off the 8 - again this happend Saturday night. So anyone know of a decent CCTV system at reasonable cost?
Your truely & utterly peeved:angry2:

PsYcHe 15th February 2009 08:05 AM

That's sh*te mate... Truly sh*te! Hope you catch him.

Maplin do cheap CCTV gear, or a webcam set to record would do, loads of software around for the capture.

Conan_the_Librarian 15th February 2009 08:08 AM


That is appalling. I can only imagine how upsetting that is. It would break my heart if it happened to me. These people are scum and I know what I would do if I caught them.

With regard to CCTV, use a covert system if you want to catch someone. N overt system has lots of problems associated with it with regard to filming public areas etc (data protection, invasion of privacy etc). If you use a PC based system with a reasonable camera you might get prosecution quality pictures as well. You should definitely get recognition capable pictures.

Try this guy here. Use an infrared camera for night time.

Ska 15th February 2009 08:13 AM

@ PsYcHe; Thanks fella, I've been up looking at all sorts of systems & am tending towards a system using the PC. I guess that means the pc will be running all day! TBH I was a amazed that my car had survived so long with out an attack; I just want to get my hands on this inbread Scum.

@ Mike; Thanks for the link, will check it out for defo. I suppose it could worse; he has only keyed the boot lid area (where the Audi badge goes), and its about 30inches long. I'm thinking the boot lid has had a respray at some point in its life as the scratch is quite deep (proly wet sanding needed). The 8 was side swiped by a sprinter van a while ago (light contact my Dad at the helm), and the resulting scratches have all polished out hence the reason why I think its been resprayed.
TBH right now all I want is some camera's up there as a deterent and recording and my base ball bat near the front door!

A8_Tony 15th February 2009 08:44 AM

That is ****e matey. My heart goes out to you, I remember when some tw@t drove up the side of mine how I felt. Makes it worse as you feel "what's the point in trying to keep her as nice as possible, when someone out there will deface it without thinking twice"

Hope you find out who it was, and hope that the law deals with them appropriately +++


Ska 15th February 2009 08:54 AM

Damn tony that looks painful I recall you posting this quite a while ago; you say the law but I have lost faith in the system & it's proly the amount of anger that realy realy wishes I get my hands on the scum; I lost my faith in the law because when it takes them 1hour 15mins to answer a 999 call where my kids and my 68 year old dad are being attacked by 20 or so Asbo wealding scum, it kind of has that effect...

IT 15th February 2009 08:55 AM

That sucks...... I hate it when scum cant keep their hands to themselves.... Really feel for you....

CCTV systems depend on what you want, for deterent, the biggest fake camera housing in the world pointing right at your car would help, but to actually aide capture then I dont doubt it would get more tricky. I dont know the details, but if you're looking to submit 'evidence' then you'll probably need time stamping equipment, and evidence of the time/date on the equipment being calibrated etc.

As Mike also says, capturing footage of public areas may get complex. Businesses need to register the equipment if there are more than 5 employees, but I dont know how an individual goes about it all.....

On the plus side, camera are really quite cheap now, but you'll want something hi-res to capture the face etc.

I've used a piece of software called gotcha - http://www.gotchanow.com/

Its simple stuff, but will 'watch' the screen and record on your PC as and when activity occurs, and you can define the % change of pixels etc before it captures, FTP upload and all the rest.... Dont know whether its submittable as evidence, but runs on a PC and has been reliable enough for me....

Hope the scratch isn't too deep.........

Ska 15th February 2009 09:05 AM

Thanks Ian the scratch is deep enough not to polish out conventionaly so will need wet sanding or a respray.
Thanks for the link looks like a very viable option that software; With regards to public footage capture my garden is a little longer than the A8 (about a foot or so), then theres the pavement and behind that the access drive way wich is long enough to park another LWB A8. Perhaps if I angle the cameras I can get the cars covered without protruding into any decent folks lives; all I'm concerned with is with footage of any potential vandal feckers.

Conan_the_Librarian 15th February 2009 09:37 AM


If you can cover 'only' your property then there are no issues with CCTV beyond home office guidance. I am currently project managing the installation of 98 CCTV camera's into military accommodation.

In a nutshell, you don't have to have HiRes capability, just the ability to reproduce images that leave no doubt about who the image is of. Identification as opposed to recognition.

Here is a link to a guide that will help you get a prosecution. I have to abide by this guide to the letter!!! :(

You'll not need to do that. :)


Oli18 15th February 2009 10:23 AM

oh mate, I completely feel for ya! I know the feeling too and you just want to camp out all night with a baseball club with a few tetanus infected nails in it to give them a whack with!

Absolutely gutted for you mate!


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