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1781cc 15th November 2017 08:09 PM

It’s not all bad...
Just wanted to say something positive about my S8 in light of the fact that recently there have been a lot of posts about problems and issues - which is fair enough, they happen, but on the flip, my car has been rock solid this year, good grip, no brake, suspension or electric issues, painless motoring, lovely and warm on these cold mornings make it a joy to be in.

I’m not saying this to be smug or make anyone having issues feel bad, but it’s usually the case on forums where someone new arrives, reads a bit and thinks, damn, these cars all have problems...

It’s easy to be negative, let’s hear some positives!

*now expecting something to break as I’ve probably cursed it*

MikkiJayne 15th November 2017 10:11 PM

Mine is working perfectly at the moment +++

Conquistador 16th November 2017 08:46 AM


Well said! I work locally nowadays so unless the weather is torrential and/or a few below freezing, I'll cycle the 6 miles to work and only tend to drive my S8 at weekends, going out for the evening or going on a long run somewhere (can reach 25mpg!). Hearing the orgasmic whining sound of the starter motor from cold and the exhausts rumbling away for a minute before setting off cocooned in beige leather and Alcantara always feels like a treat. The sound at full chat in Sport mode is moving and all the toys and features are still modern even in 2017.

I've had crazy ideas now and then to sell it and buy something hot and newer like a souped up Abarth or TT RS but I would miss the luxury and refinement so much. New tyres and MOT due any time now so that will give me many more months of joyful ownership +++

Regulus 16th November 2017 02:24 PM

As you know. I bought my S8 at the low end as prices go in Sweden. So I am expecting to have to do repairs.

I am very happy with my car. As I have been able to drive it without any issue on the road so far.
The way it runs at high speeds. How comfortable it is. How fast it can accelerate to pass another slow driving car before the next turn (Norwegian roads!).

In addition I have to mention the aluminium chassis. Hopefully no more rust issues as far as I am concerned. They have already started salting the roads here :tuttut:

I wish I knew about these cars years ago!

Turbo Tony 25th November 2017 09:17 AM

I'm loving mine at the moment... Just wish I could keep her clean in this horrible weather!

Norretal 25th November 2017 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Conquistador (Post 134944)

Well said! I work locally nowadays so unless the weather is torrential and/or a few below freezing, I'll cycle the 6 miles to work and only tend to drive my S8 at weekends, going out for the evening or going on a long run somewhere (can reach 25mpg!). Hearing the orgasmic whining sound of the starter motor from cold and the exhausts rumbling away for a minute before setting off cocooned in beige leather and Alcantara always feels like a treat. The sound at full chat in Sport mode is moving and all the toys and features are still modern even in 2017.

I've had crazy ideas now and then to sell it and buy something hot and newer like a souped up Abarth or TT RS but I would miss the luxury anbd refinement so much. New tyres and MOT due any time now so that will give me many more months of joyful ownership +++

Couldn't have put it better myself, describes perfectly the thought processes I have, including the idea of selling it. But what would I replace it with I ask myself, nothing comes close as far as comfort and performance goes. And I'd miss the sounds inside and outside too much, so she's staying.

Did a 400 mile round trip to Dundee last weekend, after a 4:30 start to the day and a rough 8 hour shift, I got out after 200 miles and didn't once feel tired, it's that comfortable and effortless. Glasgow next weekend, more than happy to be putting some decent mileage on her again.

tonupkid 25th November 2017 03:27 PM

>7 years and about 60k miles and I've had few issues with mine. It needs a couple of door handles and I recently replaced the bootlid struts (easy). And that's pretty much it for the past 5 years, apart from annual servicing at Audi (not that expensive) and tyres every 10k or so.
I enjoy climbing in and driving it, and it still surprises with its effortless ability to pile on speed. All accompanied by that sonorous engine or B&O.
I could use something newer but this car's a keeper, and the only one I have ever felt that way about.

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