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Adrian E 1st July 2017 07:06 AM

Appears to have imploded in an effort to get people to sign up to $400 packages for hosting images and allowing 3rd party linking (ie posting on forums like this!)


Lots of the content I've posted links from my photobucket account now come up as some kind of link - I'll post one below and see what happens:


I know this forum and many others allow direct hosting, but seems old content using PB linked images is potentially lost unless people go through all their old posts and try to re-create the images :(

ETA - although the image above seems to be working at the moment?!


MikkiJayne 1st July 2017 08:14 AM

I saw this on The Car Lounge last night - loads of posts there are just showing a 'pay us to upgrade' message and people are pretty vexed. Apparently some forum engines don't even allow you to edit posts after a few hours so loads of DIYs are broken .

Not a smart move it seems.

homer simpson 1st July 2017 12:42 PM

I saw this on another forum. What I don't get is why no email warnings? Why have they not stopped it to all accounts at the same time?

When I log into their site, there is nothing to suggest there will be any change (mine is still working)

Sounds like someone hacked their site lol. They are committing suicide if aregoing down this avenue.

MikkiJayne 1st July 2017 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by homer simpson (Post 129835)
Sounds like someone hacked their site lol. They are committing suicide if aregoing down this avenue.

It seemed like that for a while, but someone on TCL posted their updated Ts&Cs and it clearly states that 3rd party linking is only available with the $400 a year premium package. I guess they're rolling out commercial suidice gradually across the user base.

homer simpson 1st July 2017 05:06 PM

What Photobucket did is inexcusable. Clever idea, give lots of free storage, allow free usage and then when people rely on it start charging

Previously I could not get use photos uploaded to my Google Drive to work, but I just tried it on my PC and it worked.

Open the pic in the drive, right click, go to Google Drive and then view on the web (opens in new window), right click on this image and copy image address. Paste on forum as usual

homer simpson 1st July 2017 05:39 PM

OK it seems not everyone can see the google drive pics..

back to the drawing board

I'll post a test image anyway, let me know if you can see it


ainarssems 1st July 2017 05:43 PM

It does work from google drive, at least for me and for now.

Very nasty from Photobucket, I understand that they are business and need to make money but they should not have applied it retrospectively, only to new images added and should have warned all users in good time before it.

27litres 2nd July 2017 10:30 AM

Yeah, I noticed this on another forum last night.
One particular rampant poster who does lots of DIYs and lets his pictures do the talking, now has next to no content in his posts.
Real shame that.

If they made it $10 or $20 per year for non professionals who post a few dozen pics a year in a forum, most of us would just go "what the hay" and pay up. Even a temporary 3rd party host time period like Flickr might be enough for some.
$400 is inexcusable and will just drive their user base away to places like Google Photos.

Adrian E 13th September 2017 08:50 AM

Looks like some enterprising folk have worked out how to get around the hostage messages from Photobucket, for the majority of browsers. This was posted on a Facebook group I'm a member of - I've added the Chrome extension and now all the build thread photos on car forums work again - yay! May need to clear your browser cash or reload the pages to view.


Missing Photobucket images ?

Some direct links to get extensions for Firefox and Chrome browsers to delete the PB ransom demand and restore the original image:

Firefox extension https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fir...ix/?src=search

Chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/d...flicjjgj?hl=en

This is a painless exercise, it simply adds an extension to the browser and doesn't alter anything in your account or computer registry.

tc4332 13th September 2017 11:47 AM

Tried the Firefox but it made no difference.
Landed up with "Multiprocess is not enabled"

Researched this and found this

Re-enable multi-process support disabled by Windows utilities
Some accessibility tools on Windows might turn off Firefox's multi-process support. Follow these steps to re-enable it:
1. Type in about:config in your address bar. (Click the I accept the risk! button to pass the warning screen).
2. Look for the accessibility.loadedInLastSession preference and change its value to false.
3. Clear the accessibility.lastLoadDate preference by right-clicking to bring up the context menu, and selecting Reset.
4. Restart Firefox.

Tried this and still had the same result.
I have given up and hope that folk stop using PhotoBucket

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