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M-A8 16th November 2013 02:56 PM

[video] Upgraded exhaust
[videos at the bottom, switch to 720p quality in settings for better sound]
[video 2 of 2, warmed up, 1min 10sec :love:]

Hi all

A bit of sharing ;)
I'd like to show you what I've done so far to my exhaust.
It's a bit of experiment but the result shocked even me because I don't think I've done that much and the sound it's much more than what I was expecting.
This supposed to be the stage 1 to see what I get, but it looks like I'm leaving it as it is for now.

This mod + supermarket carparks = moms and dads in complete confusion running with kids under one arm and prams in the other hand even if I'm 100-150 yards away :D

To do this I used well know guys for custom one off exhaust, any exhaust, from classic cars, choppers, sport cars etc.


Do you know AMD Tunning in Essex, BTCC team (VW Golf) ???, they use them when they need a one off system.
And they use 100000% highest grade stainless steel. They get a lot of customers who went for **** exhaust such as ''Powerflow'' ''Megaflow'' and all that crap, they all rust within weeks.

What I asked them to do it in first stage is to remove two small boxes (behind the cats) and middle silencer.
Total weight removed 15.8kg


and do this, two straight runs plus two new flex pipes (one of them I managed to damage slightly already)

I kept the original back boxes








....and not much to say now, just good speakers and that's it.
Not everyones cup of tea, but I like it, it's scary !!!! :cool:

The bit I like very much is the video 2 (warmed up) 1min10sec

(in the first clip camera is a bit to close and it can't cope fully with the level of sound)



I hope you enjoyed it ;)

daviesbike 17th November 2013 10:19 AM

Nice mod +++ id like an actuated center box so I can turn it on and off lol

M-A8 17th November 2013 11:55 AM

There is another option, but I've been told about last minute and didn't want to make rush decision.

Electronic valves with a switch inside the cabin.
Around 150quid each plus fitting, I would say up to 500quid in total if you do that in a good garage.

You fit them just before the back boxes in about 45 degree angle facing downwards.
No one say you cant fit them before the centre box or even behind the little single boxes.
When you hit the button, the electronic stainless steel flap cuts of the rest of the exhaust system completely and diverts all the gases down onto the tarmac, it's called Stealth mode ;)

Let me draw that for you, it will be a funny drawing tho.


jza8 18th November 2013 06:31 PM

Very sporty! I'd like to hear a bit more from mine but just a little bit.

M-A8 20th November 2013 01:08 PM

I love it !!!! everyone loves it ;)

M-A8 27th November 2013 11:34 AM

Guys, what do you think ???
I'd like some feedback as it isn't a typical low bass type of exhaust.
Sounds more like a classic american V8, but does it suite the car???

Everyone who heard it, standstill, launch or during acceleration says only good things and I like it as well, but I've got some doubts to be honest because of lack of bad feedback, sounds silly, but maybe people are just trying to be nice and some don't know what they are talking about ?!?!?

What do you honestly think??


steamship 27th November 2013 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by M-A8 (Post 64921)
Guys, what do you think ???
I'd like some feedback as it isn't a typical low bass type of exhaust.
Sounds more like a classic american V8, but does it suite the car???

Everyone who heard it, standstill, launch or during acceleration says only good things and I like it as well, but I've got some doubts to be honest because of lack of bad feedback, sounds silly, but maybe people are just trying to be nice and some don't know what they are talking about ?!?!?

What do you honestly think??


Marc, lack of bad feedback doesn't mean it's not right. I have a 2001 3.7 and love the sound when you put the boot down. It would be nice to have that sound more of the time, but I won't have it done.

As for the videos, is there any way you could attach the camera to the car at the back and do an acceleration run. Personally, I'd find that more informative (sound wise) than the car sitting still with your foot on the accelerator.

As many here would point out, it's your car. So the real question is "Are you happy with it, irrespective of what others do or do not say?" If the answer is Yes, then 'job well done', and give yourself a pat on the back.

As for the 'Does it suit the car' question, again that is your personal opinion. A quick Google search on images for A8s reveals a vast assortment of styles, some of which I don't like, but then I think it should be pretty standard. Because I use my A8 as my daily car, I had thought about fitting a towbar for a trailer, but was 'worried' about asking about it on here as it might be frowned upon. I needn't have worried. No one will criticise you for what you did. They may not like it, but what the hell, it's not their car. Enjoy what you've done.

Architex_mA8tey 27th November 2013 12:59 PM

I agree with steamship, its really down to personal preference, like most things. I also think that its very hard to get a proper idea of the sound from a video as it is only as good as the audio recording you can capture.

I love the sound of mine since I modified the back section and its way more bass-ey and v8 burbly than it used to be but then I only use it as a second car so I dont find that the resonance from the back end annoys me too much.

I tried to get a recording of mine but it sounded very raspy on the video and it really doesnt sound like that when you hear it in person - yours seems raspy also on the video but then again I can hear some burble at lower revs so it may be the same effect with yours.

Bring it along next time we have a meet is the best solution then we can all have a proper listen! +++

gninnam 27th November 2013 01:36 PM

Agree with the responses above.
Just listened to it and I like the sound, but hopefully a bit more bass-ey in the flesh+++

M-A8 28th November 2013 12:38 PM

Thanks boys, I appreciate your comments and I get your point.

What bothers me is that sound suits very well and V8 engine but not necessary A8.
It isn't a big problem coz for another 500quid Hayward&Scott can change outstanding both back boxes and tune the noise down with lower sound as a result, more bass-ey.

Looks like it's a about the taste really and I believe I will get bored soon and will change the back boxes as well and change the tail pipes to singles again but slightly bigger diameter, I like look of two big single pipes :D

Anyway, thanks for the feedback guys.

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