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Old 18th January 2017, 08:36 PM
MikkiJayne MikkiJayne is offline
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Are you sure its not the cam chain tensioners rattling? They have a service life of ~100K in all the engines I've seen so far.

Also, if its down the back under the tunnel its more likely to be a hear shield. There are a couple bolted to the engine which could rattle with rpm, and also a few on the tunnel which can come loose when the steel fasteners corrode away the aluminium studs they're fixed to.

It could also be a catalytic converter matrix come loose and rattling around in the housing.

I would be astounded if the bearings had worn out in one of these engines unless it had been run out of oil at some point. They are properly tough engines in that regard - even >200K examples I've dismantled are still within tolerances. Big end bearings wouldn't even be on my list of things to look at for engine rattles tbh.
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