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Old 7th August 2018, 07:15 AM
paulrstaylor paulrstaylor is offline
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Default Implication of WLTP on D5 Prices - Bargains to be had!

So I was at a local dealer last weekend, they were making a big thing about new emissions standards meaning they had a fire sale on.

Actually for most of the models the discounts were minimal, already sold all their A3 allocation and Q7's selling themselves, but the A8 seemed to be causing them some headaches as they had a lot to move of what is a low volume car.

Given the deadline they are obviously keen, so they had a pretty good deal available, with an £18K dealer deposit on a 4 year interest free finance package. £4,999 deposit and £499 per month over 4 years seems to good to be true That is on a factory fresh NEW car!!!!!!

I'm not on commission, and sadly I don't need an A8 at the moment, but if anyone is interested the offer can be viewed here
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