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Old 8th August 2018, 02:39 PM
mattylondon mattylondon is offline
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Location: Norwich & L'viv
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I wouldn't worry too much and just relax. RC's that are on title deeds are common upon ex-local authority housing estates and developer built estates with the latter being another cash cow from the freehold owner to the developer. These RC's can be removed as they are not seen to be in perpetude such as an easement.

Under the NPPF the default decision is to approve development if an application meets policy - even with overwhelming public objections. Of which the objections should be on policy only as the planning officers will disregard non meaningful objections. There's no right to a view, there will always be development of some sort and overlooking concerns can be mitigated. It's highly doubtful any cash or secret handshakes have gone on.

Also, if it's showing a company has bought the title deeds to the land then applying for planning permission is part of the due diligence process when starting development / money making.....! It's sensible to obtain consent first then deal with any remaining land law matters, if any. The RC is only broken once development has begun. However it could be interpreted that after the garden grab technically it still is "otherwise than as a single private dwelling house".

Anyhow, it's highly likely they may sell both plots now and take the quick profit as they may not be into the long haul of construction. It's all business.

2004 A8 3.7q, 1998 A4 2.8q, 1994 Coupe 2.8q SORN,

Last edited by mattylondon; 8th August 2018 at 03:13 PM.
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