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Old 12th November 2020, 10:19 AM
MikkiJayne MikkiJayne is offline
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Originally Posted by sarg View Post
There will be a cabinet, and 99.99% of these are now FTTC. Surely you'd never see copper from a residential house direct to the exchange.
2 miles of copper, straight in to the exchange, and more for people further down the same cable run. The most I ever saw on it was 6Mb/s hence the switch to 4G a few years ago. I work from home on Teams, stream TV and music, etc no problem at all.

BT / Openreach / Virgin / etc have no interest in trying to run a fibre along 2 miles of poles along a single track road on top of a windy hill, and they're not allowed to dig up the road to run ducting so we'll never see high speed from ground-based providers here. The same applies to most rural locations in Devon and Cornwall so our only options are wireless services of one sort or another.

For context, it's taken Elon Musk and SpaceX less time to develop a reusable rocket system from scratch and then design and deploy a network of high speed internet satellites than it has for Openreach to give a damn about the rural South West
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