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Old 20th December 2020, 03:35 PM
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Its good if you can detach from previous value of whatever your investing in and make decisions based on where you think it will be going. This is easier said than done.

I attempted buying quite a few Bitcoin several years ago. It was not a lot of money but Bitcoin were only about £300 each. My transaction didn't go through for some reason and by the time I came back to sort it out the price had increased significantly to about $400, so I backed off. LOL can you imagine turning down Bitcoins for $400 each, and that's my point. Don't worry to much about what's gone, concentrate instead on where you think its going.

Last thing, and I promise to shut up. Be cautious. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency differs from other investments in that it has a history of the trading platforms going up in smoke along with whatever your were holding.
A journey of a thousand+ (epic) miles, begins with a single step, (to the door of an 8). Lau Tzu
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