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Old 24th August 2022, 02:08 PM
strummagnet strummagnet is offline
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Location: Gosport
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I agree that EV's are not the answer to saving the planet, but maybe a part way step to slowing 'global warming' as when you look at the emissions they create (based on how the energy conversion is sourced - Coal, Nuclear, Wind, Solar) per mile travelled it is certainly a lot less (and possibly net zero) than an equivalent ICE vehicle.

Though safe in the knowledge of 'doing your bit' to meet the 'net zero' target, most people conveniently forget the environmental cost impacts on mining of precious, not so precious elements and the energy required to convert these to the sum of all the parts of the comfy EV motor that they are currently cocooned in. Same to be said for any manufactured vehicle whether EV or ICE. Want to save the planet? Walk.

At least you could say EV's have less of an environmental impact over a given time after manufacture compared to ICE. It would also be interesting to see how 'recyclable' an EV is over an ICE vehicle.

The hunt/development of alternative fuels for ICE based vehicles is still ongoing and still needs to be, and although some countries around the world have signed up to the 'Green Mission' there is still a lot of lip service paid to these goals. Whilst our myopic focus is on the UK or the 'West' not every country has the infrastructure or finances to drive this agenda now or possibly in the next ten years at least, look at some of the poorest nations of this world.

EV's are another 'cleaner' form of tootling along the highways and byways of the land. Be happy with that. As for me, I am happy that more and more people are switching to EV technology and more than happy to be pacing along with an EV in my V8 as my piety leads me to believe they are contributing to offsetting my impact on the environment. Smug smiles all round.
Gosport UK
Audi S8 2002 FE Avus Silver / Extended Red Leather.
Daily Driver: BMW 3 series GT - Just more practical for my camping trips!
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