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Old 6th November 2023, 08:24 PM
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tonupkid tonupkid is offline
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Location: Near Lichfield, Staffordshire
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I have replied to your message, immediately prior to reading your message here I checked the forum messages to see if you'd got back to me. Seeing nothing there and discovering no evidence of my reply I then contacted you via WhatsApp, which you've probably received in the last few mins.
Following that I entered the forum to see what's what and here's your message calling for help.

I am up for taking part in this. I am happy to check places out and put forward ideas, but with the proviso that I can not handle telephone calls (Hearing shot) so someone would need to cover that aspect should it arise.

My WhatsApp to you suggests a pup that is sort of mid-way between us. Let me know if this suites and when and we can take it from there.

Having said all that I am very sorry to hear that you are suffering some as yet undiagnosed health issue. Hopefully, your medics will be able to put a name on it and get you on a speedy road to recovery.
A journey of a thousand+ (epic) miles, begins with a single step, (to the door of an 8). Lau Tzu
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