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Old 19th March 2009, 01:26 PM
billblank billblank is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Kent
Posts: 285
Default Wider tyres on the same wheel?

I used to know this but like homer Simpson new stuff has shoved the old out.

I run standard 17" wheels with 225/ 55. When I had to get a new set a little voice in my head was saying that the wheels have to be 8-8.5J's and surely a 235 or 245/50 would fit safely. I stuck with caution and kept to standard. This time.

What's the fattest rubber i can fit safely then my homies. Word. Out. Innit?

"Man Math" - The means by which a caring husband convinces his wife that a 4.2 A8 is in fact cheaper to run than a tiny Auto crap box

"Being in touch with your feminine side" - The ability to, in the 30 seconds following a major accident, obtain your wifes approval for replacing your big german car with another "because otherwise we'd be dead".

See also sulking for two years until she finally allows you to get another purely on the basis of your current one being the wrong colour.
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