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Old 6th December 2011, 03:31 PM
Snaga Snaga is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
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Posts: 106
Default Aaaaarrrrgghhhhh!

So had Four Rings come out and have a look at my 8. the boot motor is intermittently not working (which is annoying). While dean was here i told him i noticed an error on vcds relating to the OS inlet manifold. So anyway he has a look and you can see the runner has sheared off. Now RAC warranty havent authorised work yet. They wont authorise for the boot either until they have agreed or not the manifold.

Also as i have discussed my gearbox is making a funny honking noise. Managed to recreate it for Dean an he definetely agreed it was gearbox, between 3rd and 4th. As to what that means tho, who knows.

So when i have moved house, on the 14th, thank God!!, i will book in (if warranty covers) for OS inlet manifold replacement (£1200), fuel filter, 2 new air filters (maybe K&N), gearbox fluid service and new filter, new boot motor and switch plus a standard oil service...oh and maybe brake fluid change and brakes as well.

Audi A8 4.0TDI D3
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