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Old 4th February 2012, 08:57 AM
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Thanks briand9, sadly I don't give lessons but could possibly do a short intro into the do's and don'ts of rectifying paintwork at a meet sometime. I am by no means an expert in this field, merely a keen amateur with many many years of experience.

It shocks people when you show them some of the things that can be done to paintwork until they see the end results.

Take for instance my old Range Rover which had been repainted before I bought it. The paintwork was fine for most, but me being such a pain in the ass decided to take a piece of wet & dry paper to it and see how I got on.

Every panel was sanded back with 2000 grade W&D until all the shine was off the clearcoat.

Then using a cutting paste it was buffed up until the shine returned

Then polished and a coat of wax

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