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Old 16th April 2012, 10:47 PM
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tonupkid tonupkid is offline
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Its a good idea. Have just done similar. Wife was opposed but with the connivance of the builder, the walls sort of melted away.

Then knowing that she would be unable to commit to such a decision I asked her where she wanted the new wall and door.

She looked perturbed, frowning, worried. And then Jason (builder) came to her rescue by saying " Why not live with it like this for a few days, then decide"

It is now completed, finished, done. And remains open

Good man that Jason

She loves it (The new open plan thing)

Mike, you have it easy. You can do all the right things with no interferance. A bit like being in the Navy I expect
A journey of a thousand+ (epic) miles, begins with a single step, (to the door of an 8). Lau Tzu
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