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Old 15th August 2009, 06:04 AM
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A8_Tony A8_Tony is offline
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Having slept the sleep of a severly drunken man (God we drank some weird stuff last night!), we (me and Mike, we are close you know ) are now preparing for another day of fun and frolics.

What are we preparing for?

1. A superb breakfast
2. A drive around the lake to a castle, where we'll have some serious photo ops
3. A nice meal at said castle (I think that's what they said anyway)
4. A BBQ this evening, where no doubt there'll be more green and red stuff (no we're not drinking liquidised EBC pads!!!) to tickle our pallette!!!

Anyhoo, the welcome has been incredible from the A8-Freunde, we couldn't have asked for anything better.

The best bit??? There's more to come

We'll get some photo's up as soon as we can, I've got 196 just from yesterday to sort through!!!

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