Thread: Refurb Flat 5's
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Old 9th April 2014, 08:07 AM
Dan Dan is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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City Powder Coating in Birmingham
£20 / wheel for full refurb (although 2 of them are new!)
Getting them done in a flat silver finish - matt lacquered so they'll look sort of aluminium. Which I thought will look nice, and also a nod to the construction of the car generally. And will match the S8 mirrors which I've decided I now need after seeing Roberto's white A(S)8.

For those who've used CPC before, they seem to have gone all sort of - organised. Previously, you dropped your wheels there and had a cross your fingers feeling. Not that I had any issues, but is was all a bit back alley shambolic.

Now, they have taken over another unit on the industrial estate which serves the customer drop off area. They even have lots of wheels up on the wall to demonstrate the various colours / finishes etc. And, get this, in return for my wheels I got an actual receipt! That won't sound odd to anyone other than those who've used CPC of old. And more organised they need to be. They were always busy, but there were literally hundreds of alloys there in the queue, including as I was there an entire LWB van jammed full of alloys being unloaded.

They also now do a same day drive-in service.

I've used CPC maybe 6 times now. For £20 / wheel, they can't be beaten frankly. I'm not on commission but I should be given the number of people I've sent there.
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