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Old 1st August 2014, 11:18 AM
Stevie Stevie is offline
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Originally Posted by notorious View Post
I'm waiting for the moment they will abandon the 'single frame' design. Currently that 'subtle elegance' is lost. They more and more look like Christmas trees. I explain it to myself that markets shifts to Asia and majority of customers are not europeans, so designers adjust for different taste. D2 was the last proper car made by Audi. Maybe pre-fl D3. Then something broken.
I would agree that Lexus and Toyota styling has moved into ladyboy, phillipino taxi territory. Mercedes have gone back to the butch look, but have overdone it, most cars look like something out of a comic book.

I would disagree about the D3. Out of the D2/D3/D4 models I think the D3 looks the most sorted in the styling stakes. Something very bland about the D4 from the front. Side and Back are ok. D2 is dated now, nice car
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