Thread: 5hp24
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Old 19th November 2014, 05:31 AM
mik15 mik15 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Abu Dhabi for now, Europe originally
Posts: 45

i also have an RS6 C5 and though the gearboxes have the same code, 5hp24A, there are some differences, at least the ones i am aware of:

- torque converter is larger
- the bell housing of the torque converter is obviously larger
- definitely programming is different, the A8 ones is smoother and gear changes take place at a lower rpm

Apart form that i do believe that the internals, clutch packs and drums, etc..are identical. Gear ratio is probably different, haven't tried the A8's top speed, but the RS6 can do close to 245kmh in 4th gear and then goes into 5th gear.

As a conclusion, they're are not identical and not interchangeable(without modifications).
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