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Old 9th June 2015, 10:49 AM
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Burnzybubbles Burnzybubbles is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 294

I'm another one that believes this country has gone to ****e, not only it's driving, but everything, people's attitudes are the worst and what makes it even more so is that you find yourself getting dragged down with it otherwise people will just take advantage of your good nature.

The thing is I see posts like this on nearly every forum I visit so it's a nation wide problem, but nothing seems to be done about it, it'd be nice if people could use dash cams to prosecute bad drivers as you would just never know who is recording you, it'd probably make the standard of driving much better if they knew they where being constantly watched.

Recently I got to the top of a slip road waiting at the lights to join the round about, a focus RS was in the lane next to me, as the lights turned green he proceeded to just wander across into my lane with no care whatsoever, when I pulled along side him he just gave me some smug look and said I'm sorry in the most vindictive way possible, the driving was bad but then to just mug me off like that afterwards I was fuming.

middle lane hoggers is my next pet hate, they cause such a back log of traffic as they essentially block 2/3 of the motorway off reducing it to a single lane road, and all because they are too lazy to use the road properly, I know it's wrong but often I will just undertake said morons, my excuse is if they where using the road correctly then I wouldn't of been able to do said manuver, it's also an endorsable offence to middle lane hog and tail gate but I've yet to see it enforced.
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