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Old 5th November 2016, 08:26 PM
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aTOMic aTOMic is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Moronville, TN (Middle Tennessee), USA
Posts: 83
Default Time and Weather in your Locale?

Of course I could google it but what fun is that?!

Here in the Central US of A it is 4:30 in the afternoon. Temperature has finally given way to the expected autumn numbers for Tennessee; now 65F as the sun is at about the four o'clock position, yesterday was ten degrees warmer. A beautiful sunset expected after the spectacular sunrise this AM.

As an aside, I was astonished to recently learn that much of the EU abides "Daylight Savings Time". What a completely unnecessary, obsolete practice. (I know it was probably a US idea which we still practice in all but two states, but c'mon, its time has passed)!

When I moved to TN from New York, I was surprised no schools' breaks coincided with the North's (nor with the rest of the nation's). Later I learned it is because this is tobacco country and the plants need to be cut, rest in the field a couple weeks IIRC, then harvesting and smoking til dry in barns. All of which were performed by children who absorbed near-toxic amounts of nicotine through their skin. The colleges I attended in the south had many students who were proud of their brown-stained hands!

Oh well, it keeps millions employed in our healthcare system!

(I abhor cigarettes, but do smoke cigars and other real tobacco)

Thank you for listening. I find the "trivial" differences in our Countries fascinating.

I'm in love with a car.
2004 4.2L Petrol A8L
Sage Green/Black (one of only five D3s thus colored sold in the US)
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