View Full Version : Fixing a flickering RNS-C screen

1st July 2012, 10:18 PM
Its not uncommon for the RNS-C navigation units to develop a fault where the screen flickers. Moving the screen around a bit sometimes gives some breif relief but its annoying and persistent. I've only seen it on RNS-C - RNS-D doesnt seem to suffer the same problem.

The problem is a ribbon cable that becomes unseated, and fortunately, its a simple fix, no more than 30 mins.

Firstly, you will need removal keys to remove the Sat Nav unit, and you will need the code as disconnecting the power will leave it in safe mode.

You will also need a small philips screwdriver a Torx T8 and a Torx T9. A small flat blade will prove invaluable too.


So, once you get it out and on the bench, start by removing the 4 T8 screws from each side highlighted:


Lift the front down very gently. There isnt a great deal of play in the cables:


Disconnect each of the 4 cables. They will pull out with a gentle tug. Then you need to remove the 2 x T9 bolts that holds the screen in:


And it all lifts out as so - Then undo the 4 small crosshead screws.


You can then prize the plastic frame away from the screen:


Once seperated, use the small flatblade to push out the clasp that holds the ribbon cable into the screen:


And pull the cable out completely:


Then - Refit the ribbon cable. Push it in nice and tight. Then push the retaining clip back in place.


Refit the screen into the front housing:


Next, pull out the clasp on the connector at the other end of the ribbon cable on the main unit:


Now - Offer the front back up to the main unit. Connect the power and 2 control cables first - This stabilises the whole thing and makes it much easier to cope with the ribbon cable. Again, push this in firmly, nice and square, and push the clip in to secure it. Also, make sure the control cables tuck away nicely into the recesses as they tend to stray like this one:


Final check, make sure all cables and home and not snagged. Press the front on - Do up the 8 retaining screws and test - The screen should now work well, without any distortion +++


1st July 2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks Ian thats a great write up! :cool:
I have exactly this issue with my RNS-C so thats another Job to do!
I've added to the sticky too +++

1st July 2012, 10:36 PM
So you re-use the old ribbon cable?

1st July 2012, 10:47 PM
So you re-use the old ribbon cable?

Yes, the cable is absolutely fine. It just becomes poorly seated after years of having the screen wiggled around I guess....

24th October 2012, 06:12 AM
My Screen started doing the flickering.
Thank you for this How to.