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-   -   Power boot struggles to open on left side. (https://forum.a8parts.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11616)

ivanhoe 29th September 2018 06:38 PM

Mmmmmmmm :Confused: worked every time earlier, probably a dozen attempts........ now this evening struggling again and needing winding out further, which I feel may potentially be straining things a bit.

tc4332 29th September 2018 08:39 PM

I admit that at first I had the same worries but after a couple of years I have accepted that it works and put up with the loud click.

ivanhoe 29th September 2018 08:49 PM

Thanks for the reassurance.:)

homer simpson 30th September 2018 03:03 PM

Mine also worked repetitively for at least 7 or 8 times but now seems to struggle again. I haven't had another play with it yet but it's getting frustrating!

ivanhoe 30th September 2018 03:26 PM

Maybe we need a new motor.

homer simpson 30th September 2018 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by ivanhoe (Post 145380)
Maybe we need a new motor.

That did cross my mind however the motor seems to work fine once I help the boot up an inch. It pulls the boot lid up and down as it should, or at least seems that way. I don't mind changing the motor but don't want to throw parts at it without being sure. The buffers were only £11 but the motor is a bit more :ROFL:

homer simpson 30th September 2018 06:42 PM

Just a note if anyone is trying to source replacement struts, be aware that they are both filled with different pressures. IIRC the left is 390Nm and the right is 265Nm. I am in talks with a local company who can supply struts at the correct pressures and have been very helpful. I will post prices and info once they get back to me

homer simpson 27th October 2018 02:18 PM

Well finally got mine working (again). I messed with all the adjustments and could not get it to open so left it alone. I feared my motor was weak as even with the new buffers with spring inserts it did not open.

So, I adjusted the bolts in the corner and found the left one helped with the opening but it then did not close. I then adjusted the right hand side and it eventually closed after some fine tuning. So now it opens and closes as it should, next job is to get it to close from the key!

I also bought a new set of struts in frustration but these were not the cure so I have a set of genuine struts for sale soon, manufactured in 2014 so not that old that work fine.

snapdragon 2nd April 2020 04:43 PM

I finally got my boot to open easily by replacing the motor with the later 2009 4E0827852H one with the metal casing. Wow, It took just 10 minutes to swap the part and instantly works like it should. I could now sit on the boot lid and it would tip me up. it opens much faster too. Thankfully I got one at a great price of £75 in these uncertain times. I would advise anyone who wants to sort this, don't waste money on new struts etc.. and look out for a 4E0827852H at a decent price.
I know there are various Nm versions, both my old and new are 164Nm, which I believe is one of the lower ratings.

Attachment 23086

Attachment 23087

J i m s t e r 2nd April 2020 08:31 PM

I've got a spare one (the metal one, 4E0827852H) which I thought was why my boot wouldn't open but turns out it was a faulty tilt-sensor stopping the boot opening, so $299 later (including shipping from the US as no-one here had one at the time) I was back at square one.

New tilt sensor fixed it, so if anyone wants to make me an offer, feel free.

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